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Prof Sundardas D AnnamalayProf Sundardas D Annamalay
BSc (Phys), DAc, HD, Dip.Ap.Sc (Nat), BNSc (Hons), MSc, MNSc, ND, MD(MA), (Sri Lanka) Ph.D.(USA), DABAAHP (USA)

Licensed Naturopathic Physician (Aust.),
Licensed Acupuncturist (S'pore and Aust.),
NLP Trainer

Dr. Sundardas started his formal training with a degree in Physics from the National University of Singapore. He subsequently trained in Acupuncture. He then went on to complete his Bachelor of Natural Science with the Youngson Institute of Natural Science, which completed his training as a Naturopath and Homeopath.

When he was practicing as a Naturopath, he discovered that structural or spinal problems could affect other systems of the body. Dissatisfied with the situation, he went on to study Manipulative therapy. Subsequently he completed his Manipulative therapy training with the Anglo-American Institute of Drugless Therapy.

For his post-graduate work, he was awarded the Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternativa) by the Open International University for Complementary Medicine in Sri Lanka.

Due to his interest in learning how to manage the mind, he trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), becoming a Certified Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Dr Sundardas has completed basic training in Transactional Analysis and is also a certified Relationship Awareness Trainer.

Subsequent post-graduate training revolved around Electro-Dermal Screening Technology. This arose out of the dissatisfaction he experienced when he was working with his clients. He wanted a reliable, scientific method that would allow him to detect mineral, vitamin and other deficiencies. Much of this post-graduate training involved training in Australia and Germany. He is also certified in European Biological Medicine.

He became a Diplomate of the Board of Anti- Aging Health Professionals (USA) after doing examinations that were moderated by Harvard University.
He is Clinical Director of Natural Therapies Research Centre.

Dr Sundardas was a Visiting Professor to the Open International University for Complementary Medicine which is affiliated to the Medicina Alternativa Institute of Sri Lanka, which was set up by a United Nations Charter in 1962. He is also a full Professor to the Youngson Institute of Colleges Worldwide. He currently is in charge of the degree program in Natural Medicine in Singapore.

Dr. Sundardas has been widely interviewed on Radio and TV on Natural Medicine and Stress Management, as well as Hypnosis. Currently, he is focusing on recording his discoveries and findings based on case histories, into books.

He is the author of

  • Everywoman's Guide to Health, Beauty and Vitality
  • Awakening the Genius in the Classroom ; NLP Strategies in Education
  • Emotional Intelligence for Better Grades in Life
  • The Science of Healing Water

Dr Sundardas has had a long and abiding interest in different forms of meditative disciplines and has practiced Indian and Chinese systems of meditation and chi-kung.

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