The following questions or similar are regularly asked by Students so we have set out some answers for your convenience. If you require further information please email us.
What is Distance Education and what benefits does it offer?
Flexible delivery means you can complete most of your studies in your own home and at your own pace - no rigid classroom timetables. The face to face component, essential for professional competence is reduced to a minimum. It also offers the option of continuing in a full time job if necessary so the economic advantages are also considerable. Students can also enrol module by module and build their qualification in stages rather than committing to a full programme up front. This offers considerable flexibility if work, family and travel commitments are demanding.

How much do the modules cost and how long do I have to complete them?
The modules range in price depending on the level and content, and are listed in the fee schedule. If you are completing a professional course, all modules for that course must be completed within the maximum time frame, these are listed in the fee schedule, available on application....

Can I start at any time?
Yes, you can start at any time, however state seminars are sequential, and run from February to November. Should you choose to enrol mid year please appreciate that you will need to make up the seminars missed as they come around in the following year or later. If you commence late in a year you may choose to concentrate on theory studies first, which is an acceptable option, then commence Seminars in the New Year. Intensives are available to make up the seminars missed.

What if I do not want a professional qualification?
Every module successfully completed through the Institute receives a Statement of Attainment. Further study is not required if you do not intend to practice professionally.

What do I have to do to complete a course?
In order to attain your qualification you must complete all the modules required for that course as set out in the syllabus, plus attend the specified number of seminar and clinical hours (see Fee Schedule).

Do I have to complete a degree?
Not necessarily, it is only essential if you enrol in Naturopathy for the purposes of full accredition , for all other courses the degree is optional.

What qualification would allow me to commence practice as soon as possible?
Most of the Certificate programmes can be completed in approximately 1 year and offer a professional qualification with which you can set up your own practice, once established you can be earning from your profession.

Do I need to come to Australia/Singapore?
No, The Institute has a unique worldwide seminar network, whereby you attend the seminar closest to you for the practical component of your course.

Can I study from overseas?
Yes. The Institute/YCW/UNMF modules and courses are available for students living overseas. However, overseas rates will apply and the modules/courses will need to be paid in full on enrolment. Where seminars are not available, clinical training hours with a local practitioner may be substituted.

If I live in a remote area how do I attend seminars?
Students who live more than 3 hours away from a Seminar Centre can complete 75% of the theory studies and then undertake work experience with a qualified practitioner in their local area. Intensive seminars are available.

Can I defer?
Deferals are only required and granted in special circumstances. All courses have a time structure which enables the student to study at their own pace i.e. 3 to 6 years. This means that the course could be completed in 3 years, but you may take up to 6 years if required. (Austudy students must be studying full time).

If I fail an exam do I get an opportunity to re-sit?
Certainly, failures are fairly rare as feedback systems by way of assignments, tutor services and pre-exam tests prepare students very adequately for finals. However, if you should fail the first time you will certainly be permitted to re-sit the exam after a revision period.

What do the Course fees cover?
The course fee covers assessment, examinations, and graduation.
The course fee does NOT cover the costs of any fieldwork, additional residential courses, travel, books, stationery, photocopying, accommodation or living costs.
